The 2025 schedule is mapped out and classes can be seen below. If you are eligible, you can login and see the number of open spaces via the eligibility link on your NRAI homepage. Current tuition is $800. BSA affiliates must email me to lock in their discount and not pay full tuition by registering independently online.

There were 200+ people on the waitlists competing for 72 seats. In less than 1 week since opening the classes, there were 49 paid registrations.

Each class is limited to 12 seats. Open seats in brackets to the right as of 1800 21 Feb 2025

Mar – 17-21 @ IWLA, Stafford, VA [FULL]
Apr – 7-11 @ IWLA, Stafford, VA [FULL]
May – 19-23 @IWLA, Stafford, VA [FULL]
Jun – 9-13 @ IWLA, Stafford, VA [FULL]
Sep – 22-26 @ IWLA, Stafford, VA [FULL]
Oct – 20-24 in Arcadia, OK at OK City Gun Club [FULL]

Unless otherwise noted above, Virginia Workshops will be held at the:
Izaak Walton League-Alexandria Chapter
2729 Garrisonville Road, Stafford, VA 22556

Current TCs are welcome to attend for audit and refresher training with prior coordination (currently limited to 2-4 per TCDW). PLEASE email me well in advance to request an audit.

Training Counselor Development Workshops are generally held near NRA HQ in northern Virginia, though we occasionally travel to various other locations. The course lasts 5 full days (usually M-F), and the Candidate should expect to fire a maximum of 350 rounds using basic fundamental pistol marksmanship and defensive pistol techniques in the coach-pupil method, working on their own marksmanship and learning some advanced coaching techniques as well as shooter development drills and exercises. Candidates must pass a safe gun-handling exercise identical to a Pistol Instructor pre-qual that includes loading, cocking, de-cocking, and unloading a single action and double action revolver; loading and unloading a semi-auto pistol; and demonstrating the proper 2-handed shooting grip with each. They must also pass the Level 4 Instructor pistol qual with a center-fire pistol, 9mm/38 Spl or greater in caliber (max .45 ACP), iron or optical sights allowed, but no laser sights allowed. Candidates may shoot either a revolver or semi-auto for the qual, but a semi-auto for the defensive training is STRONGLY encouraged.

Essential equipment for the rage day:
· minimum of (4) magazines YES REALLY, NO JOKE (or speed loaders for revolvers)
· 1 or 2 single or double magazine pouch(es) / speed loader carriers
· strong-side hip-holster *1 appropriate for concealed carry, IWB or OWB (no exceptions)
· sturdy belt for holster/mag pouch and pants/shorts with belt loops
· concealment garment, open front preferred
· ball cap with a brim (keeps brass from behind eye-pro, & prevents sunburn)
· absolutely no open-toed shoes or V-necked shirts on range days
· shooting glasses, especially for those w/ special prescriptions
· electronic ear protection is STRONGLY encouraged for hearing range commands
*1 - absolutely no trigger finger actuated retention devices, and no competition or duty rigs

The classroom portion consists of extensive training on NRA policy and procedures, Candidate teach-backs of lessons from Basic Instructor Training to evaluate their ability with NRA presentation methods and use of Total Participant Involvement, as well as presentations using the NRA 5-step method of conducting a Practical Exercise (the method used in your Instructor training courses when you made a practice lesson teach-back for evaluation). Finally, there will be 2 graded written exams and an oral exit interview, where the Candidate must correctly answer questions and verbally articulate the Instructor training process from memory.

Eligibility is detailed in the attached document, but in summary you must be an Instructor for at least 2 years, be a Certified Pistol (or Advanced Certified Pistol) Instructor plus have one other NRA live-fire discipline Instructor credential, and report 10 official NRA live-fire courses with at least 50 passing students, using 2 or more live-fire NRA Instructor disciplines, as the Lead Instructor. Non-NRA courses, NRA courses without live-fire, courses in NRA non-live-fire disciplines with live-fire added (incidentally, this is prohibited by Lesson Plan, and should NOT be happening anyway), and courses listing you as an assistant instructor are not counted towards establishing eligibility.

Upon becoming eligible, you will see a notice on your NRA Instructor portal homepage, where you can then click through to the schedule for future courses, and sign up if there are classes with open spots. BSA affiliates must contact NRA directly for additional information regarding eligibility and commitment paperwork. As with any other Instructor certification, we will only certify lawful US permanent residents with no significant criminal history.

A background check will be conducted on each registered candidate, to determine if there are any disqualifying attributes using the same logic found on an ATF form 4473.

The fee for the background check is a non-refundable $125 portion of the current Workshop tuition if the Candidate drops with less than 30 days remaining prior to the course. Requests for drop and refund more than 30 days in advance will be honored in full. Those Candidates who wish, may be moved to an alternate Workshop with open seats, or the paid-in-full waitlist, with more than 30 days prior notice by email request.

When you are eligible and sign-up via the website, please ENSURE your reference letter writers understand NRA is not accepting electronic reference letters or emails. NRA is only accepting physical one-page (one two-sided page maximum, please) letters that are signed and mailed in to NRA HQ. The letter format and pertinent data instructions will be available upon your registration.

NRA does not need to know about your reference writers' qualifications (it's not about THEM, this is about YOU), nor do we need a reiteration of your NRA qualifications (we can see that in your account). We simply need an honest assessment of your abilities as a trainer.

Candidates are not required to provide a TC reference letter. We understand if a TC is no longer with us. Please provide their name to me via the email below, so I can ensure their account is marked accordingly.

POC email - [email protected]