You will be much more well-prepared and well-rounded when you get some defensive gun handling training.
Simply taking Basic Pistol might be good for getting a permit, but won’t prepare you for a gunfight.

Recommend you take these courses in this order:

Basic student courses -
Personal Protection In the Home
Personal Protection Outside the Home
NRA Defensive Pistol

And then the Instructor courses for -
Personal Protection In the Home
Personal Protection Outside the Home

Doing all the student courses first will get you more in tune with defensive marksmanship techniques, and more prepared for the Instructor courses.
PPITH Instructor has a slightly challenging pre-course qualification consisting of 10 repetitions of a controlled pair to a 9-inch circle at 7 yards in a 2 second time limit. Defensive Pistol has time limits to pass the student course, PPITH Basic, PPOTH Basic, and NRA CCW Basic do not (but the NRA CCW Instructor course does have a timed exit qual that is no joke), so this will help get your skill level up where it needs to be. Defensive Pistol is not a separate Instructor course, just an additional course that PPOTH Instructors can teach that does not require a LEO/Attorney.

Good luck and Train Safe!