Someone utilizes the Copy/Paste function to copy & paste the temporary password from the auto-generated system email into the password field in the Login dialog box, but it doesn’t work.

Why It Is happening:
The reason it is happening is because there is a blank Space, commonly referred to as White-Space, at the end of the password auto-generated in the Lost Password email, which is copied at the user copies it to the clipboard.

How To Resolve It:
Follow the steps below to regain access into the system. If these steps do not work, it may be necessary to delete your account and have you re-register for a new account, as we do not have the ability to see/edit user passwords in the forum.

1) Open the last Lost Password email you received. (skip to #2)
1) Generate a new Lost Password password reset email.

Once the email is received, EITHER…

2) Copy & Paste the temp password into a text editor.
3) Delete the white-space at the end of the temporary password, then Copy & Paste the remaining text into the password field.
2b) Hand type the new temporary password into the login dialog box in the forum.
3b) Click on the Forum Login button to login to the forum.

Once logged in, you can then go to you “My Settings” to change your password to something only you know.

If after trying this confirmed solution and it still does not resolve the issue, please send a polite email to [email protected] for further assistance.