Training Policy Changes
Sticky New Posts Muzzleloading exception to live-fire Basic Course completion +102,531
due to the comprehensive nature of the prequal

Sticky New Posts Distance Learning policy clarification +302,628
full details on authorization and limitations

Sticky New Posts New Coach Process +504,111
2021 Memo to NCDS outlining the coach process
Last Post:

Sticky New Posts Youth group affiliation on the NRA Instructor portal +102,926
adding/updating does work

Sticky New Posts Personal information on NRAI +303,778
Updating your information on
Last Post:

Sticky New Posts Memorandums of Understanding (MOU's) +203,555
Most recent and pertinent MOUs and Ebalsts
Last Post:

Sticky New Posts Support documents +404,543
Doucments to help in the understanding and administration of Training Programs
Last Post:

New Posts Advanced Certified Pistol +10665
obsolete, but still a valid rating for those that earned it
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