ANSWER #1: If you just registered a forum account, it must be manually approved by NRA Education & Training staff before the appropriate permissions are granted to your account, based on the Firearm Instructor/Coach/RSO certifications you may have, in order to gain access to the discussion groups. Once approved, you will receive an additional email stating so ... Please be patient.

ANSWER #2: The Forum category and discussion group access is based on the Firearm Instructor/Coach/RSO certifications you currently hold. For instance, if you are only a certified pistol instructor, you will only have access to the NRA Instructors group category, which is where the Pistol Instructors discussion group resides. If you were to qualify for becoming a Training Counselor, attend the TC Development Workshop and pass, you would be granted access to the Training Counselors group category after that time.

ANSWER #3: If you already have been given access to many of the discussion groups, It is possible that during the initial setup of of the forum a permission to a particular discussion group was mistakenly overlooked. (We are only human, we do make mistakes) Please send an email to [email protected], letting us know Exactly what you clicked on and in which discussion group. Providing a screenshot of the issue would be even better.